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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Under the Sun: Logan Harvey, Sonoma’s mayor

I understand you're 32 years old, Logan. Are you the youngest council member in Sonoma history? I may not be the youngest council member, but I believe I'm the youngest mayor in Sonoma County. We have one of the youngest city councils in the county,... Continue

Sun on the Street: How will you celebrate Valentine’s Day?

How will you celebrate Valentine’s Day?   Manya and Dick Smith, Boyes Hot Springs Dick: We just celebrated our 24th anniversary, but we’ll celebrate again. We’re going out for a lovely romantic dinner.  Manya: See, now you’re on the hook.   Tricia Smith and Tom... Continue

Supervisor Gorin on dealing with Sonoma County’s homeless

I will fight any attempt to make the Los Guilicos emergency shelter permanent. By Susan Gorin, First District Supervisor Sonoma County’s homeless emergency  is one of the most contentious and difficult challenges we’ve faced. That said, along with fear and concern, there is also compassion... Continue

The homeless crisis hits close to home

The issue of homelessness is no longer a concept but a very real, living, in-your-face reality. Near Oakmont, at the Los Guilicos campus, the county opened an emergency shelter for some of the hundreds of homeless kicked out of their tent city along a Santa... Continue

Where in Sonoma????

    Recognize this? Look for the answer in the Feb. 13 issue of The Sun! Got a mystery pic of your own? Send it along to Continue

Sonoma author event: A deep dive into the Deep State

[caption id="attachment_100127" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Taking a dive: Georgia Kelly, writer David Talbot, and former Sonoma Mayor Laurie Gallian at Vintage House[/caption] "The Deep State has created its own Frankenstein and installed him in the White House" By Stephanie Hiller | For The Sun Progressives turned... Continue

School notes: school board election changes, new president 

  Some changes are afoot regarding elections for school board trustees. The school district’s board held four public meetings focused on transitioning from an “at-large” model, where everyone votes for all trustee candidates, to a model where trustees are individually elected by the voters in... Continue

Seven over 70

With age comes value, purpose and meaning. Seven Sonoma Valley seniors explain how and why.   By Kelsey Maddox  Since the 1950s, retirement planning has primarily focused on financial preparation for the senior years. But how do we fill our days when we no longer... Continue

New officers, ‘new direction’ at Springs Community Alliance

From left: AnnMarie Miller, Jennifer Gray Thompson, Veronica Napoles, Bill Hoban. The Springs Community Alliance (SCA) voted in a new slate of leadership at its January meeting: Veronica Napoles, chair; Jennifer Gray Thompson, vice chair; Bill Hoban, secretary; AnnMarie Miller, treasurer; and (not pictured) Joan... Continue