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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Gorin’s first 2020 Town Hall: Roads

Wednesday, Jan. 15: First District Supervisor Susan Gorin will hold a Town Hall Meeting to discuss roads and roads funding for Sonoma Valley. Representatives from Sonoma County Transportation and Public Works will be present and available to answer questions: The public meeting is set for... Continue

Breaking: Suspect in Sonoma sex assault named

[caption id="attachment_99589" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Suspect Jesse Leon Granado-Lopez. Sheriff's Office photo.[/caption] The Sonoma Sheriff's Office has released more information about Tuesday's sexual assault and attempted abduction of two students at Altimira Middle School, including the name of the jailed suspect. Jesse Leon Granado-Lopez, 49, of... Continue

Free help with Covered CA enrollment

With a January 31 deadline for health care looming, Sonoma Valley Community Health Center will host a Covered CA Open Enrollment event on Saturday, January 11 from 9am-2pm.  Attendees will need proof of Photo IDs, Income (Current Tax information & last pay stubs), Proof of... Continue

Sonoma County dems endorse Gorin for supervisor

The Sonoma County Democratic Party has endorsed Susan Gorin for re-election to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in District 1, which includes the City of Sonoma and the unincorporated areas of Sonoma Valley.  Gorin has one opponent in the race: Sonoma City Councilmember David... Continue

Public forum on the health effects of vaping

The free community forum "The Health Effects of Vaping" will take place on Thursday, January 16th from 6-8 p.m. at Sonoma Valley High School in the Career and College Center. Adults are encouraged to bring middle school- and high school-aged youth. There will be a... Continue

So you want to sell cannabis in Sonoma…

Having (finally) adopted a plan for selling cannabis legally, Sonoma is calling for Request for Proposals for one retail and one non-storefront retail Commercial Cannabis Business (CCB) within city limits. Learn more about the application process, schedule and required forms on the Cannabis Retail RFP web... Continue

Sonoma’s non-native trees face discrimination, dismemberment

  Exclusive SUN photos of the crime scene in Sonoma's Depot Park document where majestic but undocumented non-native eucalyptus immigrants from Australia were brutally cut down with chainsaws. The area remains taped off as police and forensic botanists search for clues. Meanwhile, reports The Sun's... Continue