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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Meet Sonoma’s honored young artist

This year’s Student Creative Arts Award winner is Adie Valavanis, honored by the Sonoma Cultural and Fine Arts Commission for her outstanding achievement in animation, character design, and puppet fabrication. Adie, 19, attends the College for Creative Studies in Michigan. “I’ve made sure to never... Continue

SVHS teens tackle Senior Projects

Completing a Senior Project is a ritual, and a graduation requirement, for every senior at Sonoma Valley High School. As part of the semester-long assignment, students are expected to write a related research paper and present a public presentation about the project. So how’s it... Continue

Is aging in anyone’s sight?

In 2017 the Sonoma Valley Fund published a study called Hidden In Plain Sight, an “in-depth look at our community’s needs and its charitable resources: an integrated view of the demand and supply sides of the Valley’s philanthropy.” The findings were compelling and significant. Katherine... Continue

Under the Sun: John Schafer, MD at 86

How long have you been practicing medicine? Let’s see now, 57 years. I always tell people, if you like what you’re doing, don’t retire. Unless there’s another job you like more that you want to do. I like being helpful, being useful. You can always... Continue

Where in Sonoma Valley?

Do you recognize where this photo was taken? The answer is in this week's edition (May 9) print issue of the Sonoma Valley Sun. Look for it free in racks at all Valley post offices; Sonoma Market; Readers' Books; in front of the Sebastiani Theatre;... Continue

Up and out: two weekend hikes

Hike and Picnic above Sonoma Raceway, Saturday, May 11 Hilly grasslands not usually open to the public reveal beautiful Bayland views, carpets of wildflowers and even a few spring lambs on this special outing to benefit the Overlook Trail. Choose a three or five-mile guided... Continue

Wrongly-convicted Death Row inmate speaks at Sonoma Valley High

By Dean Szanyi | Student Reporter Sonoma Valley High School held its second annual Authors’ Day on May 3, with several writers, of varying backgrounds and perspectives, speaking to a school assembly.  One author who spoke was Alana Nichols, a Paralympic gold medalist in wheelchair... Continue

Stabbing suspect identified

Sheriff’s Detectives have identified 20-year-old Raquel Magana of Petaluma as the suspect who stabbed a 16-year-old boy in Agua Caliente. As of May 8, the suspect was still at large, four days after the attack. The assault occurred at about 8 p.m. when the victim... Continue

Sonoma mayor rebuts defamatory letter

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I want to share my thoughts about a defamatory letter published in the Index-Tribune. [Last month] I received an anonymous letter at my City Hall mailbox. The letter included a copy of a decade... Continue

The joys of summer camp

People are tribal by nature, and summer camp is as close to a tribal experience as we get today. Gathering in small groups or clans, jointly engaging in outdoor activities, exploring the natural environment and learning to work with, not against, each other and nature... Continue