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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Extreme makeover, museum edition

By Jonah Raskin | For The Sun Grapegrower and winemaker, Mike Benziger, serves as the chair of the board at Jack London Park Partners, the grassroots organization that has managed and operated Jack London State Historic Park since 2012 when Sacramento announced the imminent closure... Continue

Warning: County to test warning system

On September 10th and 12th, Sonoma County will be testing the alert and warning systems. You may receive a phone call, an alert on your mobile device, or experience interruptions in local radio and television. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what to expect: September 10th: Phone Call... Continue

Trickle down? Not far enough

Remember the 2017 Federal tax breaks? The ones that promised to return cash to taxpayers through a trickle-down process, and increase spending by consumers to boost the economy? Well, they’re here. Local Independent Mobility Options (LIMO) was launched eight years ago to address transportation needs... Continue

Manslaughter, not murder, in Rothschild case

After years of enduring emotional abuse and cruelty, Steven Rothschild said, he finally snapped, strangling his wife of 36 years to death on the couch of their Sonoma Valley home. This week, a jury in his murder trial agreed, finding the 73-year-old guilty of voluntary... Continue

The promise of SDC: a community call to action

Reader opinion by Tracy Salcedo It’s time for the state of California to keep its promises. It’s time for us to make sure that happens. Since closure of the Sonoma Developmental Center in Eldridge was announced in 2014, a broad-based coalition of county officials and... Continue

Young bandmates get back in the groove

[caption id="attachment_90150" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Ben Koler, Aaron Marcus-Willers and Tyler Meloan -- as the band Aquamarine -- collaborated online, then went into a recording studio old-school style, to record a new album.[/caption] By Sarah Ford The members of Bay Area rock band Aquamarine may have... Continue

Teen Services Sonoma names new director

Becky Jo Peterson is the new executive director of Teen Services Sonoma (TSS), the Springs-based nonprofit. She has served as the member and community relations director for the Napa Valley Vintners since 2012 Peterson replaces Cristin Felso, the longtime TSS director who resigned in June... Continue