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The high price of money

Money, it seems it is all people are talking about. Gas is over $6 a gallon, food prices are up, and most homes in Sonoma Valley are selling for $1,000,000 or more. But, how much money makes one rich today?   There has been a lot... Continue

The slow, inevitable triumph of nature

We recently returned from a much needed and long delayed vacation. We flew to southwest Florida to spend a few days visiting my snowbird sister and her husband. Then we drove to Miami and flew to the US Virgin Islands to spend a week hiking... Continue

You should know how to recycle by now

Why is it so hard to recycle? Why is it so hard to rinse cans and bottles and place them in the recycling cart for Recology? Recology makes it easy. At our house we have a container with a lid that we can put all... Continue

The mess on Moon Mountain

For the last few years I have been observing the slow motion construction of a bunch of McMansions at the corner of Moon Mountain Road and Highway 12. This piece of real estate seems to be cursed. The first person who attempted to build there,... Continue

Life in balance

I watched the movie Koyaanisqatsi when I was in my thirties. The images stay with me to this day. According to Hopi Dictionary: Hopìikwa Lavàytutuveni, the Hopi word koyaanisqatsi (Hopi pronunciation: [kojɑːnisˈkɑtsi]) is defined as "life of moral corruption and turmoil" or "life out of balance."... Continue

It’s time to call BS

I read the book On Bullshit, by Harry Frankfurt, around the time it was published in 2005. Frankfurt determines that BS is speech intended to persuade without regard for truth. The liar cares about the truth and attempts to hide it; the BS’er doesn't care... Continue

Winter without a home

This morning it is bitter cold. I go out and pick up the newspaper and it is almost a Minnesota, brittle bite of cold that I feel. But, back inside, in our little Springs house, in my favorite chair, with my feet up on an... Continue

What guns do

From a very young age I knew guns kill. That is the purpose of a gun, to kill animals or other humans. A 17-year-old brings a gun to a protest, kills two people, and is acquitted on all counts. The verdict was that it was... Continue

A brief history of cannabis in Sonoma

My personal journey with cannabis began in 2017, just after Prop 64 passed in 2016 for adult-use cannabis dispensaries in California. After years of health issues, unsatisfactory treatment from conventional medicine, and four surgeries, I decided to follow a new path. I began to seek... Continue

Last supper at the Depot Hotel

Things change, people change, it is inevitable. Sometimes we have to let go of something or someone we love because change has left the person, place or thing harmful to our wellbeing or incompatible with our beliefs. We had our last dinner at the Depot... Continue