By mid-morning, news of the forgery reaches the attentive ears of a Felix Echeverria in Los Banos, California. Felix is a man of both questionable fortune and exquisite taste -- a man who, at the start of his seventy-first year, has washed up on the... Continue
Sonoma Sun
There are two issues facing our Highway 12 commercial corridor that could create lasting negative consequences if the community isn’t proactive. Possible tearing down of the historic Big Three building The building has sat empty for 14 months since the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn closed... Continue
Trusts are assets, at least you should think of them that way. And like any other assets we own, they must be maintained after we buy them. If you keep them tuned up and give them some TLC, you’ll get more out of them –... Continue
Somewhere near downtown Sonoma, a set of false teeth hides a clue to the unsolved mystery of "The Green Tara" – a famous emerald necklace, now missing. When a forgery is discovered, a beleaguered Sonoma mother-of-five enlists the help of an eccentric starlet, a washed... Continue
Any day now the hall on Highway 12 across from Mary’s Pizza, formerly known as the Sonoma Valley Grange Hall, will be adorned with its new “Sonoma Springs Community Hall” sign. The hall is finally open for public use again after more than two years... Continue
Somewhere near downtown Sonoma, a set of false teeth hides a clue to the unsolved mystery of "The Green Tara" – a famous emerald necklace, now missing. When a sophisticated forgery is discovered, a beleaguered Sonoma mother-of-five enlists the help of an eccentric starlet, a... Continue
Congratulations to Boyes Hot Springs historian and artist Michael Acker for his recently released book, “The Springs Resort Towns of Sonoma Valley,” which is part of Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America” series. It’s thrilling that the publisher recognized the historical significance of our community and... Continue
The set of heavy rainstorms the last few months have had a bruising impact on our roads in the Springs. If your neighborhood is like mine, many of the potholes road crews filled last year are open again, plus new potholes have emerged. In addition,... Continue
Long time Springs’ residents Kate Ortolano and Thema Trystad are passionate that art has the ability to change lives, bring families together, and build community. The two retired art teachers are the driving force behind ArtEscape, the art education nonprofit located at 17474 Highway 12 in... Continue
I asked community leaders in the Springs what are your hopes and dreams for the Springs this year? What is the big issue before you? Before I get to their thoughtful answers, I want to share an issue that is at the top of my... Continue