Even though I am a veterinarian with 19 years experience who keeps himself abreast with the latest trends in animal wellness, the day I dropped my beloved companion Twiggy off for her first day of “doggie day care,” I was a blithering mess. It took... Continue
Well folks, I completed the five week intensive program at Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic in Wellsville, KS. After two days of testing, I am also certified by the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA). I chose Options College because it is the only... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have been putting off writing in about this topic for some time now, but after reading the column last week about the dog jumping out of then truck, I just felt like it was time to tell you about something I... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I saw a dog jump out of a moving pickup truck last night, and I had to write in because it was so un-nerving to me that I almost crashed when it happened. I had been driving on Highway 37 in very... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I wanted to report that within six to seven days of starting my cat Friar Tuck on Protandim, he is doing things he hasn’t ever done in his life. He is more active, eating better and as put on some weight. I... Continue
Dear Readers: On two recent day trips to San Francisco to entertain visiting friends, I couldn’t help but notice the preponderance of dogs on leashes everywhere I turned. San Franciscans love their pets, and people are out and about walking their pooches in all corners... Continue
Dear Readers: For the next five weeks I will be on an adventure. I leave tomorrow for Options for Animals, a Veterinary Chiropractor School in Wellsville, Kansas. I am trying to look beyond – beyond the cleaning, packing and last minute crazies like renewing my... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a little secret weapon I wanted to share with you (and your readers) to help keep cats off the counters or furniture in the house. I have been reading your column for some time and don’t remember you suggesting double-sided... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My six-year-old dog is healthy and trouble free. In fact she hasn’t needed to go to the vet in over three years since she had a broken dew claw. I was wondering, why does my dog need to be seen by the... Continue
Dear Dr. Abbie: Our beagle, Sadie, got a cut on her paw last week and it bled like crazy. There was blood all over the driveway. We never figured out what she got cut on, but it was hard to stop the bleeding. The blood... Continue