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Thank you to the residents of Sonoma

Editor: We’ve been living here for two years now and my wife and I would like to express our gratitude to the good people of Sonoma.

Since moving here we’ve found the traffic at most four way stop signs to be the best behaved of just about anywhere we’ve been. We moved here from Daly City, to give an example of constant rude practices, and it’s so nice to know that when it’s our turn we usually don’t have to worry about someone rushing to get through and ruining everyone’s chance to get through at their moment. This may sound weird to most but it really is a big deal and to see it done the way it was designed to be is just amazing.

As well, when trying to get into the line of traffic on Highway 12 though, most times can be quite frustrating and takes a major degree in patience. I’ve seen more times than not of someone letting someone in.

The friendliness of all we meet while in town when running errands and such makes each outing a pleasure. We feel very welcome here.

We make it our practice to support the local businesses as much as we can. We appreciate being welcomed into this lovely scenic town and couldn’t be happier with our choice of finding a new area to live in.

Thank you Sonoma.

Michael and Carleen Amadio 

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