
Letter: Thanking our young heroes

Posted on December 12, 2017 by Sonoma Valley Sun

unnamed-2In October we witnessed and experienced the worst fire and calamity in California to date. The community at large in Sonoma Valley has not stopped thanking and acknowledging the various heroes who have helped during this time. They shared their courage, caring and support to our community in innumerable ways – going way beyond “the call of duty” both professionally and personally during this tragedy. And among them, you emerged — the Sonoma High School Dragons. Our young people.

You opened your high school gym at this hour of need and turned it into a shelter for so many people of the Valley who were losing property, homes, lives, jobs and their peace of mind. Into this chaos and grief you stood hour by hour, day by day, among the others who came to give assistance and do what needed to be done. You continually had warm smiles and gentle words as you handed out bottles of water, masks to help breathing, directions, food, clothing, cots for sleeping and responding to a myriad of other needs. You especially gave conversation and contact for those in despair.

I saw you do this day after day. And when I thanked you and spoke with you and told you that you were also heroes, leaders and attendants of the community some of you cried and said to me that you were just helping out, that you needed to do this.

To each of you who were there, giving of yourselves to all who sheltered at the school gym and who called it their home, thank you. You were tireless in your efforts to help, and your selfless acts provided so many the comfort, support and love they needed during this horrific time. You are indeed our young heroes and leaders. You will not be forgotten by those you helped and who were so grateful for your company. You are proof that ‘sancuary’ is not just a word, a city, a town, state or country, but a way of life. So again, I say thank you,

— Joaquin Valencia, Sonoma Valley

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA