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Help those most vulnerable

Since 2013, The SV Unified School District and local nonprofits have invited 9,000 people, who might otherwise not have received holiday gifts, to be beneficiaries of the generosity of our community through the Sonoma Valley Holiday Gifting Program.

This year, our donations are coming in very, very slowly. One reason, of course, is the tragedy of the total decimation of the city of Paradise. The community here has mobilized to aid victims of that fire with donations and support. It’s a great and noble effort from people that can relate all too well to the overwhelming sense of loss. After the fires last year, here in our own community, our gifting program had a tremendous outpouring of generosity from both inside and outside the area. That healing goes on, and the depth of hardship is in some cases even more severe.

Requesting donations to brighten the season of kids, families, seniors, and others experiencing hardship might seem like a tough ask. But we’ve seen what these small, precious gestures can mean. Even as we look to keep #ParadiseStrong, please fill a local need with the gift of a happy holiday here in the Sonoma Valley. Locally, adopt a local family or individual this holiday season at

Constance Grizzell, Sonoma Valley

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