Where will the water come from to grow the cannabis that the AG Department has issued multitenant ministerial permits for? This type of piecemeal processing is thwarting the CEQA process and creating essentially illegal grows in many areas of the County. The permits are being issued by the County Ag Department through a ministerial process so residents neighboring these proposals don’t know about them until the well drillers and the cannabis people start showing up next door.
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meeting scheduled for September 21, 2021 will consider an emergency cannabis moratorium.
Rural residents all over the county with the bad luck to end up next door to a commercial cannabis grow want a moratorium on issuing all permits, including those being processed, until a countywide EIR is completed including 2021 drought conditions as part of the measure of our available water. Let’s be honest about science-based study of the resources we have available as well as the cumulative impacts of these proposed projects on our culturally rich small rural towns. We need the BOS to implement a moratorium and close this multi-tenant ministerial loophole.
— Dustin King, Bloomfield
Ministerial permits seem un democratic.