Sonoma Valley Sun


Sun on the Street: Why do you love Fall?

Posted on October 16, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

It’s Fall. Why is this season so special to you?


Claudia, Romania

The changing colors of the leaves. They are pretty.  My Dad’s birthday is coming up. He is turning 60 and I’m going to Michigan for that. I also look forward to pumpkin pie. We do have it in Romania but it’s not the same. I learned how to make it here. It’s better because there are more spices. 

Stewart Degner, Sonoma

I have been in Sonoma for about 65 years. I sit right here in the park and play my guitar. All the people who walk by are adorable. As is the whole town. This a very special town. It’s home and everyone is nice. I’m here in the summer and winter. But in the fall, I feel how wonderful the weather is. It’s a perfect blue sky.  

Jan, Sonoma

I love the changes of the colors in the vineyards. The trees, the cooler weather that comes after a warm summer. It’s just magical in Sonoma. It’s my favorite time of year. I look forward to having a fire, cozying up on the couch and reading a book; having a cup of tea and enjoying the cooler weather.

Rich, Sonoma

It’s got to be the Vintage Festival. That is fun. People get together and get along. Seeing the trees change and the leaves fall.  I just like the whole thing. 

Iana Binde-Pereira, Phoenix, Arizona

Fall reminds me of togetherness and thanksgiving. Also, for me, I get to wear my sweaters and I have way too many. I love doing all the Fall activities. I love pumpkin spice, going to pumpkin patches, and taking pictures. I am excited to be here in Sonoma as I get to see leaves changing which I don’t always see where I am from in Arizona.

Curtis Vollner, Berkeley

I’ve been in Sonoma full-time for the last month. I like the weather cooling down, the leaves changing and just being outside. I’ve been a runner my whole life. There are cross-country races in the Fall and I’m actually participating in my club. Just running and not feeling you are going to die in the heat. It’s really nice.

Jim, Sonoma

Here’s the shortest answer you will ever receive: The 49ers. That’s it.


– Interviews and photos by Denise Webster


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