Sebastiani Theater, Sonoma. April 7, 2025. 5:30-8:30 – Doors open at 4:15
Oscar Nominated and Emmy award-winning Director Connie Field will join for a discussion Q&A after the film.
Tickets Sliding Scale from $10-$25
Often looking at another country which mirrors your own condition can bring clarity to your situation. We have heard this from many viewers who have seen Democracy Noir since the election of Donald Trump: “we experienced the frightening spectacle of Orban writing the playbook for right-wing movements in Europe and for Donald Trump and the Republicans. It was deeply disturbing. And yet the film’s impact on many of us that evening was to offer clarity and to clear away the noise of the constant assault and chaos being sown in the US. The film is frightening, clarifying, and empowering.”
As put by Michael Fox, KQED, “At the same time, Democracy Noir provides, for our inspiration, three varyingly effective facets of resistance that involve — and transcend — keeping hope alive. As Bob Dylan sang, “It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there.””
Fresh off its run in Europe, Democracy Noir now arrives in Sonoma amidst the brazen rise of 21st Century authoritarianism, few politicians have proven as corrupt and adept at undermining democracy as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He used a free and democratic election to install authoritarian rule in Hungary and subsequentially changed the constitution, took over the courts, dismantled the rule of law, and took over the media. Revered by Donald Trump and the Heritage Foundation, Orbán’s influence helped shape Project 2025 and the policies of the Trump Administration. The film has received much recognition, including the Fact award Nominee CPH:DOX, Tim Hetherington Award Nominee, Sheffield, Best Documentary and impact award, Boston Film Festival.
Connie Field of Clarity Films, and Director is donating the screening of the film as a fundraiser to pro Democracy organizations. It has been seen throughout Europe and is just starting to be screened in the USA. The film will be shown in Sonoma to Support the work of Wake UP Sonoma and Sonoma Valley Democrats.
This film is meant to uplift and motivate us in this time of challenges to our Democracy. According to an interview with Connie Field by Bob Strauss with the SF Chronicle, Field, says “People who’ve seen it say it provides some clarity. We’re being hit with so much chaos — and they (the Trump administration) want to hit us with chaos, they want us to feel overwhelmed — but I made the film so you can see that these are how these things fit together. It’s a strategy and a pattern of authoritarianism.”
Come together as a community to take in this film and support one another as we once again set our resolve against Fascist leaders taking over our Democracy, and participate in an after film discussion with the Director and other guests still being confirmed. Wake UP Sonoma and the Sonoma Valley Democrats feel this film is an important view into what an authoritarian governance brings to a country, with hopes that those who did vote for this administration will become more aware the truth behind autocracy and how important it is to wake up and become an active advocate for Democracy.
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