The Sonoma County Civil Grand Jury (CGJ) is an independent institution with the principal function of overseeing all aspects of county, special districts and city governments in the County to ensure that the best interests of its residents are being served. The 19 Grand Jury... Continue
Hilary Campbell is a New Yorker magazine cartoonist who just happened to grow up in Sonoma. Her work now appears regularly in the Sonoma Valley Sun. Continue
At a study session on January 30, 2025, the Board of Trustees of the Sonoma Valley Unified School District will discuss a change in its public comment policy. The new policy will require those members of the public who wish to address the board to... Continue
Not so forever perhaps! A team has identified a strain of bacteria that can break down and transform at least three types of PFAS (forever chemicals), and, perhaps even more crucially, some of the toxic byproducts of the bond-breaking process Continue
After reading through all of these accomplishments that supervisor Gorin has so proudly laid claim to, indeed, it’s hard not to express my appreciation for her commitment in following through on these much needed deficiencies within our community. Thank you Susan for your years of... Continue
As part of its General Plan update, the City of Sonoma has scheduled a public workshop focused on proposed changes to land use in Sonoma. Following direction from the City Council and the Planning Commission this past fall, changes in land use have been proposed... Continue
“The quality of mercy is not strained…it is twice blest. It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.” — Portia in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice The subject of mercy is in the news lately, not the least of which because Episcopal Bishop Mariann... Continue
Chemical laws are necessary to fully appreciate the richness inherent in the transformations of inanimate matter, as well as the emergence of life itself Continue
Wildlife cameras set out in open spaces to capture images of mountain lions, bears, birds, and whatever else happens to amble by, have helped researchers, naturalists and the rest of us learn more about wildlife. Who knew that multiple mountain lions ventured from the Mayacamas... Continue
2008, Brooke and Matt had their second child, a girl. Not long after my son and his family moved to Vancouver, Canada. They not only had the nerve to move, they took my grandchildren with them—and this is their first time back. Brooke and the... Continue