2025 City of Sonoma Alcaldessa Reception March 20, 2025 6:30pm - 8:30pm Vintage House The City of Sonoma proudly chose Kathy Witkowicki as the 2025 Honorary Alcaldessa, recognizing her unwavering commitment and outstanding contributions to the community. Kathy Witkowicki is the co-founder and board president... Continue
More than half of men and millions of women are affected by hair loss. Scientists around the world are getting to the roots of the problem with pioneering new treatments Continue
A developer has requested a study session with Sonoma's Planning Commission at its meeting of February 20, 2025 to review their plan for housing on a nearly five-acre parcel at the Southern End of the City of Sonoma along Broadway. Technically, the parcel is within... Continue
On Monday, February 17, the offices of the City of Sonoma will be closed in honor of Presidents' Day. Officially, Presidents' Day recognizes the birthday of George Washington, America's first President. It now applies generally to all American Presidents. Continue
The first time a president withheld funds for something approved by Congress, it led to the Impoundment Control Act. We’ll soon find out if that law has teeth Continue
Sonoma’s City Hall has stood proudly in the heart of the Plaza since 1908, a symbol of the community’s history and civic pride. Designed with four identical facades so that merchants on all sides of the Plaza could say the building faced their businesses, it... Continue
Without fanfare, on February 4, 2025, Eldridge Renewal, LLC, the company formed by Rogal Development to develop the lands of the Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC), submitted it Fourth proposal. The submission starts the clock on a 30-day period for public response. A link to their... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Historical Society, in partnership with the Sonoma Community Center, presents Peter Meyerhof who will talk about the Early Chinese in Sonoma and show a video "Murder at the Chinese Laundry." This lecture caps off an all day celebration of the Lunar New... Continue
Global warming is producing a rapid loss of plant species -- according to estimates, roughly 600 plant species have died out since 1750 -- twice the number of animal species lost. Continue
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 at 7:30 pm - LIVE in Sonoma Sonoma Community Center, 276 E. Napa St., Sonoma, Andrews Hall Tickets: $30 ($25 for Praxis members) KIM STANLEY ROBINSON Climate Work Ahead: A Vision for the Future Kim Stanley Robinson’s NY Times bestseller, Ministry for... Continue