There is always much news on the global, geopolitical front that makes headlines, causes concerns and, honestly, makes life in Sonoma seem like a literal walk in the park.
Not that we haven’t our own challenges, many of which are related to the big picture – natural disasters and environmental degradation, high inflation, housing, cost of food, and a general uncertainty about the future.
The future is never certain, but one thing is – ya gotta eat!
Food, clothing, water, shelter – these are the basics our civilization is based on. While Sonoma Valley is not self-sufficient in any of the necessities, we do have the potential to fulfill these needs on a large scale. Sonoma Valley was once breadbasket to a burgeoning bay area at the turn of the century, but many of the dairies, orchards, poultry and livestock have been replaced by vineyards and housing. However, we do have a small contingent of farmers keeping the faith and keeping us fed.
Sonoma Valley does, thankfully, have a remaining dairy, one of what had been several a few decades ago. Mertens dairy is still a producing family ranch, and helps maintain the bucolic backdrop of our southwestern hills, providing milk to Clover, an important Sonoma and Mendocino County producer. Beyond that, we have some small-scale beef production, a few small egg farms, and a number of row crop farms producing vegetables and a small amount of fruit. These farms make up just a few dozen acres of our prime valley farmland, and produce food for an estimated 500-700 people, based on an estimate of around 15 people being fed (mostly vegetables and herbs) off one acre.
The Sonoma Valley has an estimated 44,000 people, so, dairy aside, we are producing enough for around one-to-two percent of our population. If we took on the challenge of becoming more self-sufficient, that number needs to grow. For example, if we targeted produce production for 10 percent of our population (4,400 folks), we would need approximately 250 more farmable acres. How would that land come into production, who would farm it and where would they live? We do have land, albeit mixed among private, state, and county holdings. It’s possible some portions of existing vineyard lands could be leased for food production, particularly during a time that is seeing a supposed glut of winegrapes and decreased consumption of wine. There is also some publicly-owned land that could be utilized, which would take state and county entities, such as the Sonoma County Ag and Open Space trust, to facilitate.
Farming is not necessarily a hugely profitable enterprise. And the cost of land, and the improvements needed to make it productive, is especially prohibitive in the Valley. If we were to take on this worthy goal, we as a community would need to find ways to support those who would like to feed us. Some form of subsidy for land access, ownership and improvements may be needed. In addition, housing for farmworkers would do wonders in attracting local residents to join in this important work without the huge burden of market rate rent costs. There are large subsidies currently in place to provide food to the disadvantaged in the Valley and County. In the scope of things, supporting increased local food production would provide positive synergies, enhance local sustainability, and is a goal worth fulfilling.
Seth Dolinsky is Lecturer of Sonoma Valley Grange, whose motto is: Healthy Farms, Healthy Food, Healthy Community. He is also owner of New Land Systems, a regenerative land management company.
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