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Ron Howard visits Sonoma

Ron Howard visited Sonoma and toured Wine Country in an old VW bus (Photo: Ron Howard)

Monday, Hollywood director and filmmaker Ron Howard visited Sonoma.

Howard posted to his Twitter that “Our group had a blast being toured around #Sonoma #WineCountry.”

He stayed at the The Lodge at Sonoma Renaissance Resort and toured around Sonoma Wine Country via V Dub Tours.

Turns out he was in town to check out the new tour company, started by his nephew.

Howard visited historic Buena Vista Winery and toured the property. He was guided on his tour by Count Haraszthy, as portrayed by actor George Webber, and according to sources, took a photograph with the Count.

The famous director moved his friends and the Count around to get the best shot and afterwards one of Howard’s friends told the Count, “Now you can say that you have been directed in a Ron Howard picture.”


  1. Giulia Giulia

    I’m a Countess (born, not married to a Count…) and I have a way cool van! I’m going to start running tours! What’s the going rate for a ride in a van with a Countess?

  2. Laura Zimmerman Laura Zimmerman

    Sarah – you always get the best stories! I love the idea of
    V Dub Tours! Ron H is pretty cool too…

  3. Leigh Garroutte Leigh Garroutte

    VDub Tours are amazing! Not surprised Ron Howard would want to travel around Sonoma with them!!! Very cool!

    • Cousin Dave Cousin Dave

      Bdub tours would be even cooler!

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