To Felice Torri, co-leader of the annual Relay for Life, the upcoming event is more than a fundraiser. It’s an opportunity to honor cancer survivors and to remember those who have lost the battle.The event, with its laughter and tears, its proud and poignant moments, will be held at The Presentation School on August 27-28, from 1 p.m. to 10 a.m.
“I will walk in the Relay for Life celebrating my 22nd year as a breast cancer survivor,” said Torri, who faces a new challenge. This year she was diagnosed with Melanoma, a second type or form of cancer.
She knows she can count on the teamwork and camaraderie that Relay for Life embodies. “Not a year goes by that I do not support a family member or friend who has been diagnosed with this relentless disease,” she said.
One highlight is the Survivors Lap, at 6 p.m. “There’s a real sense of, we’re in this together. We’re really not alone.” Torri says that even after 22 years, she draws strength from that unity. “It’s a good feeling.”
Another emotional, empowering moment is created by the luminaria tributes. At dusk, hundreds of white bags, lit from within by a candle, are placed around the track, each one dedicated in honor of a cancer survivor, or in memory of someone who died from cancer.
Throughout the day there will be children’s activities, live music, a crafts sale and silent auction. Food trucks will offer dinner. All the while, from 1 p.m. that afternoon and through the night until 10 on Sunday morning, people of all ages walk the track. With every step, more money is raised to fight cancer.
“Although progress has been made in the search for a cure, each diagnosis made is one too many,” Torri said. “I am sure you will agree that this fight is worth fighting for.”
For more event information, to dedicate a bag or to make a donation, contact Golly McGinty at 707.321.3290 or The Presentation School is located at 20872 Broadway.
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