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Letters To The Editor

SDC should be in public hands

The Sonoma Valley Democrats recently voted to urge the county and state to keep the Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC) property in public hands through a Community Special District or Trust, such as the Glen Ellen Historical Society has proposed to the state Department of General... Continue

SDC plan is ludicrous

Supervisor Gorin: I’m still strongly opposed to the revised [Sonoma Developmental Center] Environmental Impact Report produced by the planning commission.  It’s far too many homes, too many jobs, it’s an environmental disaster for wildlife and neighboring families. The scariest part is the serious fire danger... Continue

Recommendations for Education posts

I want to share some recommendations with respect to the November 8 election that involves educational positions.  Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools:  Amie Carter Amie Carter is the only candidate for the Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools. Her opponent, Brad Coscarelli dropped out of the race... Continue

Patricia for City Council

Evidence based decision making focuses on using facts and data to make decisions, rather than opinion. Having visited each candidates’ website, read their campaign literature, and attended the recent candidates’ forum, it is clear based on her background and experience, Patricia Farrar-Rivas is the candidate... Continue

Choosing the best candidates for taxpayers

It’s no secret that most Californians think that taxes are too high. A PPIC poll released on April 15 of this year found that “record-high shares of Californians think that they pay more in taxes than they should and that the state and local tax... Continue

Winders for School Board

After sending a questionnaire to all three school board candidates, based on her answers, the Sonoma Valley Housing Group has voted to endorse Celeste Winders as Sonoma Valley Unified School District's Area Two trustee. Area Two contains a big piece of Springs Census Tract 1503.05, a... Continue

More School District shenanigans?

Here we go again.  The anti-trust, anti-competition PLA (Project Labor Agreement) that John Kelly and Bruce Abbott tried to sneak through on the (Sonoma Valley School District trustee meeting) consent agenda has reared its ugly head once more. Eliminating all other contractors from bidding on... Continue

Connolly for Assembly

I’m an environmentalist and I'm supporting Damon Connolly for Assembly in Sonoma and Marin (12th district). That’s because I know him and have worked with him as Marin County supervisor. He stood up for salmon protection in Lagunitas Creek, helped found Marin Clean Energy and... Continue

A vote for Deegan

I have long been concerned about the current direction of the past and current leadership in the City of Sonoma. We have three openings on our City Council and the opportunity to elect individuals that will actually be in a position to bring effective change... Continue

Is County on the hook for massive SDC clean-up costs?

In spite of widespread public opposition, Sonoma County’s Specific Plan continues to call for the development of a 1,000-home subdivision and hotel at the Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC).  Adoption of this plan would add some 2,500 people, more than doubling the current population of Glen... Continue