Reader opinion by Josette Brose-Eichar -- Many years ago when my niece and nephew were small children, my mom and dad were pressing my sister, Eileen to have them baptized in the Catholic Church. Eileen told them absolutely not. My mom got some holy water... Continue
Letters To The Editor
It has been a pleasure serving as the CEO of Sonoma Valley Hospital for the past decade, writes Kelly Mather, who is leaving the post this week. "Over the years," she continues, "we’ve shared the progress and accomplishments of our hospital...and they have been many!... Continue
When I mention to people that I graduated high school in 1959 I get that are-you-from-another-world? look, I think, yeah, I am. Reader opinion by Will Shonbrun It was a time before JFK, Vietnam, the Beatles or the Stones, or color TV. It was before... Continue
A lot of people say there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans. A lot of people point out the differences in social policy -- abortion, gun control, immigration. But when you only look at foreign and economic policy, our country hasn't changed for many decades.... Continue
The recent pardons granted by our soon-to-be but not-soon-enough ex-president have done profound and lasting damage to our country. Trump pardoned military contractors that had been convicted of killing 14 civilians (including women and children) in Iraq in 2007. These pardons signal to terrorists that... Continue
I am very unhappy with the current state of affairs within the cannabis community and local government. I am a 46-year resident of Sonoma and Sonoma Valley and have been active in local government both as a commissioner and a 16-year councilman and mayor. I... Continue
The grueling 2020 Presidential election is finally over, thanks to a record-breaking number of American voters who overwhelmingly rejected President Trump’s divisive agenda in favor of a new direction. As President-elect Biden inherits a nation ravaged by the coronavirus, it’s imperative that he keeps the... Continue
Although election results are not yet official, it is clear that Proposition 15, the $12 billion property tax hike also known as “split roll,” has failed. But, true to form, the proponents are not giving up their 42-year goal of destroying Proposition 13. Recall that... Continue
Crediting a unified effort by California farmers, ranchers and their organizations, the California Farm Bureau Federation thanks voters for rejecting the split-roll tax measure on the Nov. 3 ballot. The initiative, Proposition 15, would have allowed reassessment and higher property taxes on a variety of... Continue
The VFW’s motto is “No One Does More For Veterans.” But this Veterans Day [Nov. 11], our work is being curtailed by the pandemic and by unnecessary government regulations. Many of our posts possess liquor licenses that classify them as “bars” and require them to... Continue