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Letters To The Editor

Farm Bureau lauds Prop. 15 defeat

Crediting a unified effort by California farmers, ranchers and their organizations, the California Farm Bureau Federation thanks voters for rejecting the split-roll tax measure on the Nov. 3 ballot. The initiative, Proposition 15, would have allowed reassessment and higher property taxes on a variety of... Continue

Remember Veterans Day

The VFW’s motto is “No One Does More For Veterans.” But this Veterans Day [Nov. 11], our work is being curtailed by the pandemic and by unnecessary government regulations. Many of our posts possess liquor licenses that classify them as “bars” and require them to... Continue

Letter from Sonoma’s newest city councilmember 

With election day behind us, we've officially won our race for Sonoma City Council!  In the months since I launched this effort, I've been amazed by the number of people who've volunteered their time, publicly endorsed me, and gave max-out donations. So many people have... Continue

Vote for Johnson

I would vote 100 times over for Britta Johnson for School Board Area 5 Trustee. I’ve known her for 20 years through Prestwood, Adele, SVHS, kids’ sports teams, and activities. Britta and I even played together for several years on an indoor women’s soccer team.... Continue

Letter: Johnson for School Board

We are writing in support of Britta Johnson for Sonoma Valley School Board Area 5 Trustee. Britta’s 20 years of work both before and while being on the board prove she has the passion, action, and vision to ensure this district is putting our students first. Highly... Continue

Yes on W to support city-centered growth

Generation Housing is pleased to endorse Yes on Measure W to renew the existing Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). Generation Housing is a housing advocacy organization committed to increasing the supply, diversity, and affordability of housing in Sonoma County.  Sustainability is a guiding principle for our... Continue

Another vote for Gina 

LETTER: It has been an honor to serve and work with Trustee Gina Cuclis on the Sonoma County Board of Education. I have had the privilege of witnessing Trustee Cuclis in action and I have seen firsthand the passion she has for our children, teachers,... Continue

Vote No on Measure DD

Measure DD, to extend the current ¼ cent transportation tax for another 20 years, is being promoted as an expenditure plan for projects which overall will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In fact, the largest percentage of funds for proposed projects will go for road... Continue

Johnson for lasting education reform

I am voting to re-elect Britta Johnson for Sonoma Valley School Board because she has proven her commitment to providing public education excellence for the children of Sonoma Valley. Britta’s work has created a momentum of change that must continue to achieve lasting success. Her... Continue

Teachers union makes School Board picks

Following a rigorous and thorough process, the union representing the teachers in Sonoma Valley Unified voted to endorse Adam Lobsinger and Anne Ching. Adam Lobsinger is a lifelong Sonoman having attended K-12 Sonoma Valley Unified Schools. His wife is a teacher at Adele Harrison. As... Continue