The final Tuesday Night Farmers Market on Sonoma Plaza is September 29. The tail end of summer produce and fruit, plus packaged foods, will be offered at stalls set up around the City Hall horseshoe. The market opens at 5 p.m. Covid safety protocols apply.... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
The County of Sonoma Department of Health is conducting a community-wide survey to gather perspectives on health, well-being, and equity. The online survey takes about 10 minutes. Health Action is a multi-sector collaborative working to implement policy and systems change strategies that foster health equity... Continue
Are you confused about what waste goes into what bin -- recycling (blue), organics (green), and trash (gray/black)? A teenage crew from the the Sonoma Ecology Center -- the self-named ‘Earthlings’ -- is here to help. The City of Sonoma and the Earthlings partnered to create... Continue
Pacaso says it's a billion dollar 'unicorn.' Californians say the company is hawking illegal timeshares. "If this business model succeeds," Brad Day of Sonoma told Vice, "our town starts to become more and more like an adult Disneyland." Since Pacaso launched last October, the company... Continue
The Sonoma County Library recognizes National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month, September 15 through October 15, with special events and book offerings. This year the library celebrates with an exciting array of free virtual programs in English and Spanish for all ages. All events are free to... Continue
Known for her work with Sonoma Arts Live, with bigger-than-life roles in Hello Dolly and Merman’s Apprentice, among others, Dani Innocenti Beem is ready for her close-up as Norma Desmond in the SAL production of Sunset Boulevard. The Andrew Lloyd Weber show, a big influence... Continue
The Valley’s most beautiful ‘no parking’ zone must be this tableau on Central Avenue in Boyes Hot Springs. The apartment owner along the narrow, busy lane chose a nice way to discourage parking in front of the building that is enticingly close to the ever-busy... Continue
Katherine Hahn, long-time Dunbar Elementary School Teacher and Teacher on Special Assignment, has been appointed interim principal at Dunbar Elementary School. The news follows last month’s announcement that principal, Jillian Beal was appointed as Director of Educational Services with an emphasis on student wellness and... Continue
Farm animals find a forever home on the range at Charlie's Acres -- By Jackie Lee | Sonoma Valley Sun The daily news is replete with Covid-19 data, international tragedies, fires, floods, hurricanes, and drought, among other dramas. Change the channel and experience something different—plan... Continue
Therese Nugent, recently installed president of the Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley, announced the opening of the club’s Fall grant cycle for nonprofit community organizations. “Our club has a long history of awarding grants to charitable organizations throughout Sonoma Valley,” said Nugent. “Last winter, for... Continue