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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Lights for Liberty in Sonoma

Well over 100 local citizens assembled at Sonoma Plaza Friday evening at 6 p.m. to raise their voices and wave signs in protest of the Trump administration's internment policies. Hosted by La Luz, the demonstration lasted for one hour, and drivers passing the Plaza signaled... Continue


Transcendence Theatre Company returns to its outdoor mountaintop stage with Fantastical Family Night, a new show set for July 19-20.  Live music, clever choreography and witty stage play, featuring Broadway and touring professionals and special performances by youth and teens participating in 2019 Transcendence Kids... Continue

Where in Sonoma?

Do you recognize where this photo was taken? The answer (and a new mystery shot) will be in this week's print issue of The Sun. Continue

Return of the Bellydance Superstars

Sonoma native Nathalie Tedrick leads the Bellydance Superstar Renaissance 2, Sunday, July 21, at the Sebastiani Theatre. The evening inlcudes Moria Chappell, Zoe Jakes and Kami Liddle, along with Gold Star Dance Company, WildCard Belly Dance, Azizam directed by Elana Kerista, Lilly Goessling student showcase,... Continue

Local protest to end detention camps

Across the country Friday, July 12, the Lights for Liberty: A Rally Vigil to End Human Detention Camps will protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees. The local action will be held at Sonoma Plaza at 6 p.m. La Luz is promoting the protest, which... Continue

Five sports for thrills and adventure

Sometimes, we need a bit of excitement in our lives to get us out of the daily routines we get caught up in. Unfortunately, many of the activities we do for fun, like going to a party or a night out with friends, eventually get... Continue

The case against 5G comes to Sonoma

On a recent Saturday, the foes of 5G – and the world it would create – were out in force at Vintage House on First Street East. They had come to hear Dafna Tachover, the Israeli-born founder of We Are the Evidence, an international organization... Continue

About our ‘new’ logo

About our cover logo. The bright, summery design is a commissioned cameo by Adie Valavanis, winner of this year’s Student Creative Arts Award from the Sonoma Cultural and Fine Arts Commission. Adie, 19, attends the College for Creative Studies in Michigan. “I’ve made sure to... Continue

10 hot summer reads

With summer comes a longing for curling up in a hammock or stretching out at the beach with a good book. A real book, the kind where you can dog-ear your place when you start to doze. Jude Sales of Readers’ Books put together some... Continue