Every shift is a meal break for a crew from Chasin' Goats Grazing, called in to tidy up grassy areas of Sonoma's Montini Preserve. The crew finished the job before the July 4 festivities and nearby fireworks show. Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
The Sonoma Land Trust has received a $700,000 grant from the Sonoma Valley Fund, the regional affiliate of the Community Foundation of Sonoma County, to acquire and protect more than 700 acres of open space, trails and natural resources at the site of the former... Continue
Dating is not something new to people today. For many decades and centuries, people have always been dating. One of the reasons for dating is that it lets you meet someone that can be your soul-mate. There are many dating benefits other than getting the... Continue
By Jackie Lee Nick Brandt seeks to change our perceptions, one photograph at a time. He wants us to “get it.” In the process, he does not give himself away; his real life is not on offer. His all-consuming passion concerns the massacre of the... Continue
Land use projects in Sonoma are always subject to CEQA, California's Environmental Quality Act. This does not mean every project is required to undergo an extensive and expensive process of environmental evaluation, but it does mean every land use project needs to be declared either... Continue
The man who crashed his pickup on Broadway, then attacked a passerby who offered to help him early Wednesday morning, was high on meth, according to the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office. The suspect, later identified as Wayne Fortier, 37, compounded the assault by running off... Continue
This weekend’s NASCAR event at Sonoma Raceway is all about fast cars – the ones on the track, not those stuck in traffic. The event is likely the Bay Area’s largest single-day sporting event and, along with wine country visitor traffic, usually jams the roads... Continue
That wasn’t a Russian hack that knocked the Valley offline, it was more like a Eucalyptus tree. Yes, the world came to a complete standstill Tuesday when a big branch fell on a main fiber line on Eighth Street East, knocking out Comcast internet and... Continue
Do you recognize where this photo (thank you, Emily Marks) was taken? The location will be revealed in the June 20 print issue of The Sun. Meanwhile, take a guess! Continue
Just weeks after the surprise resignation of Justin Mori as principal of Sonoma Valley High, Alberto Solorzano has been named to replace him as of July 1. Solorzano is entering his 25th year in education and is an experienced high school principal, according to a... Continue