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Local Sonoma Valley News:

The dash — what will yours mean?

(By Walt Williams) You have been trying to finish this piece for months but tragedy keeps intervening. There’s no easy way to write about the topic, you start and stop your story many times, deleting, rewriting, deleting, rewriting. How do you pay homage correctly? You... Continue

Petaluma team salutes Seelye

For the Petaluma High School football team's show of support Friday night for Michael Seelye, the Sonoma High player being treated for Lymphoma, SV High School Principal Kathleen Hawing sent this letter of thanks to her counterpart. On behalf of Sonoma Valley High School and... Continue

The economics of peace and sustainability

(By Georgia Kelly) Fourteen years ago, when Praxis Peace Institute was born in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from a conference held there, we posed the following inquiry: How could we achieve cultures of peace from where we were? Why did mankind seem incapable of learning the lessons... Continue

Update: New library services

The Sonoma Valley Regional Library and the Sonoma Valley Friends of the Library want you to know about services now offered outside the library walls. Access to the 24/7 wi-fi hotspot at the library, for example, has been made more comfortable with the addition of... Continue

Add your memory to ‘Dia de Los Muertos’ altar

The call is out for stories, photos and mementos to be part of the Sonoma Community Center’s annual Dia de Los Muertos in October. The center marks the traditional holiday with a 12-foot tall altar in its Maloney Family Memorial Garden, in front of the... Continue

Vision statement

Kristine and Shotsie Gorman celebrate the opening of their Tarot Art and Tattoo Gallery in Boyes Hot Springs. The unique space, at 17977 Highway 12, features her Visionary Woman tarot card readings, and his tattoo business. It will also show their painting and other artworks,... Continue

Shooting death in Glen Ellen; Plea in deadly DUI

A Glen Ellen woman was shot and killed by her bedridden husband Saturday night in what officials believe was a case of self-defense. Alice Rosewsky, 73, was found dead in her home on Warm Springs Road. Deputies were responding to a 911 call from a... Continue

Sonoma Valley Fund honors star volunteers

“These volunteers represent the heart and soul of Sonoma Valley,” said Joshua Rymer, Sonoma Valley Fund board president, speaking of the 26 Star Volunteer recipients for 2014. “They make the very existence of our nonprofit community possible and we owe them a great deal of... Continue

Something fishy in Glen Ellen

The restoration of Stuart Creek to its historic haven for spawning steelhead trout continues just west of Glen Ellen. The Sonoma Land Trust bought the property in 2011, and this year received a $700,000 grant from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Fisheries Restoration... Continue