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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Three generations of Sonoma women swim Alcatraz

On a very hot Labor Day, Kaeti Bailie jumped into the cold waters of San Francisco Bay off Alcatraz Island and swam, without a wetsuit, 1.27 miles of open water in 56 minutes. It was her eighth time participating in the Alcatraz Invitational, and the... Continue

Sonoma updates Fryer Creek bridge project

The pedestrian bridge over Fryer Creek is in place and is just 6 – 8 weeks from completion, the city of Sonoma reports. The construction zone, at Newcomb Street, is still closed to the public. When complete, the pedestrian and bike route will improve access... Continue

There will be a Cemetery Memorial at SDC – no matter what

The long-sought memorial wall at the abandoned Sonoma Developmental Center cemetery, where more than 1,400 people are buried in unmarked graves dating back to 1892, is moving forward.  A local Sonoma County contractor has been awarded the $700,000 contract to proceed with plans for a... Continue

Under the Sun: Roger Rhoten, impresario 

The Sun's Anna Pier sat down with the Sebastiani Theatre’s Roger Rhoten to learn the story behind the icon of Sonoma entertainment. Roger will be celebrated with a 30th anniversary roast and concert on Saturday, September 17.  As a young man did you ever think... Continue

Kitchen confident

Savoring the effort are proud graduates of the Teen Services' Lovin Oven Culinary Academy. Over the span of a week this summer, the aspiring chefs took a deep dive into a variety of culinary practices. Out of the six participants, one was a foreign exchange... Continue

Witnesses return to knocking on doors

Jehovah’s Witnesses have resumed their trademark door-to-door ministry after a two-and-a-half-year suspension, just in time for a September launch of a global campaign featuring an interactive program for Bible study.  The decision to resume their door-to-door ministry on September 1 marks the complete restoration of... Continue

New COVID-19 booster shots available in Sonoma County

Updated COVID-19 booster shots specific to the highly contagious omicron variant are now available in Sonoma County. The new boosters, known as bivalent vaccines, are made by Pfizer and Moderna. The Food and Drug Administration has authorized the Pfizer bivalent booster for anyone 12 and... Continue

Water pipeline shuts down Monday for week-long repair

 Repairs will begin Monday (9/12) to a ruptured water line near the Verano Avenue bridge that has been leaking since August 17 when it was struck by a falling piece of concrete. The 16" pipeline, known as the Sonoma Aqueduct, serves the City of Sonoma.... Continue