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Where did the school bond money go?

To: Sonoma Valley Unified School District Superintendent Adrian Palazuelos.

[There are] “tough  decisions” forthcoming to avoid such issues as the adjustment of staffing  levels, the diminishing enrollment etc. as you plan for the future of SVUSD. 

I cannot help but reflect on the 2016 School Bond issue in which voters were asked to  vote in favor of 120 million dollars to supposedly upgrade classrooms, laboratories,  and overall school facilities in general. It is my personal opinion that we, as voters, were “sold a bill of goods”. 

Where did a good portion of the money go? To a football stadium, renovations of sport  facilities and soon a new swimming pool. 

I am sure there are many reasons for the diminishing enrollment but our one and only  high school is over thirty (30) years old and in great need of repair. According to one of  the 2022 graduates the classrooms are in need of new furniture, paint and equipment,  

bathrooms need total remodeling; in fact, two are closed off and never used because  they are so bad, there is a need for an upgraded curriculum that extends to vocational  needs, etc. 

I am quite sure it will not be long before SVUSD will be asking the voters to once again  “foot the bill, for additional monies. I can honestly say that I have always supported  the Sonoma Valley Schools since 1974 even though we had no children in the system. I  can also honestly say that I personally will never again support a school bond going forward. 

— Laurie Sebesta, Sonoma

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